These days, clothes come at a high-price so why not protect and perserve them? Garment bags do just that, and Bag-All has a bunch to choose from. Our newest garment bags, Men's Suit and Puffy Sleeve Dress Garment Bag make a great gift for those who are frequent(and stylish) travelers.

Each garment bag features two handles, one at the top and one on the bottom, which is perfect for traveling and carrying while on-the-go. This bag comes with a pocket in the back so you can store your jewelry, panty-hose, watches and other small things essential to completing your outfit. It also can be zipped to ensure it all stays in one place. Each garment bag is 100% cotton, can fit multiple items of clothing, and is 42.75 inches by 22 inches with 6 inch handles. They're available in stores as well as online for $38.

3 comments – Oneduwa Uhaulof – Ovagoate Biyera