Bag-all's Gift Bags, Tote Bags, Organizing Bags and Travel Bags should be hand washed or machine washed on a cold, gentle setting. All bags should air dry flat and be ironed on low heat on the opposite side of the print. DO NOT tumble dry the bags as they are in 100% cotton and will shrink.
The print is water based as it involves less chemicals and is easier on the environment. This means that the print will fade slightly after washes. The bags eventually become super soft and vintage looking.
The Cases Collection and World Traveler Totes should all be spot cleaned. Tip! Baby wipes are fantastic to use for removing stains. Store the bags flat with the bottom folded between uses so the bags are ready to be used – and reused – over and over again.

One way to easily personalize your Bag-all products is to replace the black ribbon for another color! Pick a color based on preference, season, or the product's area of usage. To the left, we're showing you how to change the ribbon on a Sunscreen Vintage bag.
Step 1
Start off by picking a color. Continue by pulling the old ribbon out of the bag by grabbing one of the ends. Personally, we like to save the ribbons we pull out in case we can use them later.
Step 2
Locate your new ribbon and measure it against the original one. The new one should be a little bit longer since the safety pin will tear the far end of the ribbon when we pull it through. Now, attach the safety pin to the end of your ribbon.
Step 3
Bring the safety pin (that's attached to the ribbon by now) to the opening of your bag -- pull it through with one hand while feeding the ribbon with your other hand.
Step 4
Once the ribbon is all the way through, cut the ends to an even length and burn the ends with a lighter for 1-2 seconds, just to make sure it won't rip in the future.
At Bag-all, we love how a monogram tells someone you have truly been thinking about them and that they are special, the same goes for yourself! Therefore, we offer monograms with almost all of our products.
If ordering a monogram at Bag-all.com is new to you, we're here to tell you all about it! Follow the steps below.
Go to Bag-all.com and choose your products! We can monogram almost any product in our portfolio with a few exceptions.
When you've clicked on a product, it should look like the picture above. When clicking the "PERSONALIZE / ADD TO CART" box, a popup will appear, asking you if you would like to add a monogram and include a gift bag.
When the options appear ("Monogram name," "color," "font style") fill them out and make sure to check your answers before submitting.
If you want your name to be all capitalized, make sure to type it in that way. If you want only the first letter to be capitalized, it has to be written that way as well. If our team is uncertain of your answers, they will call or email you for confirmation before creating the monogram.
Choose between our six fonts and many colors and hit "ADD TO CART" A monogram costs an additional $20 for regular fonts or $25 for round fonts.
As soon as you have completed your purchase we will start working on your monogram. Therefore, it is important that you call or email us right away if you, by accident, spelled your name wrong or similar. Also, all monograms will be placed in the same spot as they appear online in the pictures for that particular product. With different placement requests, email us on storenyc@bag-all.com and let us know.
If you would like to add another word to your monogram, each extra word is an additional $8.